Mark Orina
2 min readFeb 12, 2019

Into the Silicon Savannah

A fresh graduate with high ambition and hopes, I was excited to finally apply myself in society.

Like most youth I was not only lost on how I fit in this anatomy that is the Kenyan economy but also how do I make a difference. How do I be the change that this country so desperately needs. Don't get me wrong Kenya is a promising country but why aren't we fully realizing this potential ? This is critical question I believe many wonder too. Most of us tend to shy away from this. I'm willing to take on this question head on & that's why I joined Impact Africa Network.

At IAN I have been able to learn , engage & share on what we’re doing right or not doing especially in the startup space. And so far I am blown away by how ignorant & arrogant I was as a self-proclaimed intellectual. Key word was. Now I am , more than ever , a student. From listening to startup founders in Kenya to holding Knowledge sessions , it’s been an enlightening past 2 weeks and to be honest I can’t even begin to describe the revolution happening in the Kenyan scene.

As a developer, starting off as entrepreneur in residence is a challenging and thought-provoking path that has got me out of my comfort zone. Slowly but surely I am finding my niche and how I fit into the larger Kenyan narrative. More and more Kenyan youth too are not just working for that monthly salary ,allowance or pension, they want to feel like they are part of something larger and impactful. From this I have no doubt that Kenya is headed nowhere but towards sustainable growth.

Mark Orina

Product Development at Impact Africa Network . Passionate about Start Ups & Product .